COVID-19: Business Continues for AS Mosley

Posted on 3rd April 2020

In light of the current COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to reassure our clients and stakeholders that our day-to-day business will continue as normal.

Our staff’s health & wellbeing and those around us are important to us. Following the guidelines from the World Health Organisation (WHO), we have put measures in place to allow for business continuity.

Our engineers and admin staff are now all working from home and will continue to do so until further notice. All meetings with clients and other stakeholders will be held virtually.

Over the years we have continually invested in technology. We therefore have the latest hardware and software, which allow us to run simulations on at least 24 cores. This allows us to work at ease remotely and we trust it gives our clients confidence in our work. We will continue to monitor the situation and follow government advice as the situation develops.

For new enquiries, please contact our office or get in touch with us directly.

In the meantime, please keep safe.