Oyne school children from P5, P6, and P7 took part in the project, where they competed against other primary school teams from across the North of Scotland. It was the first time the school had taken part in the initiative, which is organised by Greenpower Education Trust.
Over a five week period, the children built an electric kit car from scratch, where they designed and built the body work, before driving their car at the final event on Friday 9th June. Up against stiff competition, the school did well, narrowly missing out on third prize by just 0.21 seconds in the drag race section and making it to through to the semi-finals in the sprint race.
The project has been a great success for the school. The children worked extremely hard and enjoyed every minute of the experience.
Over 5 weeks the project has involved curricular work in Literacy & English; Numeracy & Maths; Science; Social Subjects; Technologies; and Health & Wellbeing. They have also developed the following 'Meta skills' important to Learning, Life and Work: Teamwork; Communication; Resilience; Self-management; problem solving; and creativity.
We loved being a part of this project and we're hoping it will inspire a few pupils to think about a career in engineering, as they progress in their learning journey. We'll look forward to seeing how next year's cohort get on. Well done to all involved.